Screenshot-2016-06-28-at-3.52.40-AMA former UN President who was found dead right before he was going to testify against Hillary (both seen above) just so happened to wind up dead under rather suspicious circumstances. And during a heated election year too! Gee, can you believe her luck?

Via Conservative Tribune:

The New York Post’s Page Six reported that after Ashe was found dead Wednesday, the U.N. claimed that he had died from a heart attack. Local police officers in Dobbs Ferry, New York, later disputed that claim, saying instead that he died from a workout accident that crushed his throat.

Adding to the mysterious nature of Ashe’s death was the fact that he had been slated to be in court Monday with his Chinese businessman co-defendant Ng Lap Seng, from whom he reportedly received over $1 billion in donations during his term as president of the U.N. General Assembly.

And then there was this: During the presidency of Bill Clinton, Seng illegally funneled several hundred thousand dollars to the Democrat National Committee.

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It must be coincidence, right?


If former Secret Service agent Gary Byrne is to be believed, this is business as usual for the Clintons.


BYRNE: I feel so strongly that people need to know the real Hillary Clinton and how dangerous she is in her behavior. She is not a leader. She is not a leader.


SEAN: She does not have the temperament?


BYRNE: She doesn’t have the temperament. She didn’t have the temperament to handle the social office when she was First Lady, she does not have the temperament.


SEAN: She’s dishonest.


BYRNE: She’s dishonest, she habitually lies, anybody that can separate themselves from their politics and review her behavior over the past 15 years…


Byrne is the author of the newly published book Crisis Of Character – a first-hand Clinton exposé.

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