End Times? Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Calls for Resistance Against New World Order – AntiChrist Agenda

“There was a parallel counterfeit church setup to eclipse the real one.”
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano

Davos In The Catacombs: Klaus Schwab’s Secret Vatican Connection by Michael J. Matt (35:19)
What if I were to tell you that a key Council Father at Vatican II was also an honored guest speaker early on at the World Economic Forum in Davos? What if I were to also tell you that, in addition to being close to Klaus Schwab 40 years ago, this archbishop also held a secret meeting in the middle of the night under the streets of Rome to plot the downfall of the traditional Catholic Church at the close of Vatican II? A wild conspiracy theory? A plot from a Malachi Martin novel? Well, it’s absolutely true. We have startling new video of Klaus Schwab giving it all away. Want to know what Francis is all about? Well, this is it! No wonder he’s going to the Glasgow in November to address the UN climate change conference. And guess what? While in Scotland, Francis will NOT offer a public Mass. This video is for anyone, Catholic or otherwise, who wants to know what’s going on in the Vatican with Pope Francis and the Globalist movers and shakers of the New World Order.