War Propaganda Watch: ABC News Used Footage From 2006 Kentucky Machine Gun Video And Called It “Slaughter In Syria”

 Big Brother News: ABC News Used Footage From 2006 Kentucky Machine Gun Video And Called It “Slaughter In Syria”

Image Credit Twitter

ABC News footage of Turks “attacking” Syria is clearly video of the annual Knob Creek, KY Machine Gun Shoot from 2006


ABC news used video of Knob Creek “Machine Gun Night” demonstration as Turkey attacking Kurds

by Hanafuda 

The term “Fake news” gets thrown around but it doesn’t get much more plain than this. The “Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot” is a bi-annual event at the Knob Creek Gun Range in Kentucky. Class III firearm dealers, collectors, and registered Class III automatic weapon owners put on demonstrations, there are dealer displays, cookout, music, general law-abidin’ redneck type stuff. Yeehaw.

That only has something to do with this post, because ABC News has used footage from the 2016 “night shoot” at Knob Creek and represented it as a ‘slaughter’ of Kurd civilians by Turkish troops. Here’s the original 2016 Knob Creek video:

Now watch this. As you can see, the video is darkened and cropped at the bottom so you don’t see all the hillbilly heads. But it’s the same video.

From some googling it seems the claim that this video shows a Turkish attack originated on twitter out of France. But ABC clearly didn’t put enough effort into confirming the authenticity of the footage. They just ran with it.


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